1. DARE or not bowed the wife as breeders of life and not as a worker lives. If breeders live, then his presence was as a driver for a noble life, which encourages us racing meet all his needs. Meanwhile, workers living after we are married still used as labor outside the home to earn a living because we live in deprivation.
2. Dare or offer to buy sanitary napkins when she is menstruating. Provide space defeat unruly wife angry because of the influence of ‘coming months’. Providing an excess of patience when the wife was infected with laziness due to menstrual pain that made him prisoner.
3. Dare or not say beautiful wife in front of children as a form of praise. Holding the baby when the streets of the shopping center, while the wife was given a free opportunity to shop for entertainment because of busy taking care of homework is so exhausting.
4. Dare or not to deposit memorization Al Qur’an every day as evidence that worthy of the leader of the family to be proud. Then target the wedding gift is the pilgrimage to invoke the prayer of salvation that gifted children in a devout religious knowledge as well as diligent mengapai ideals for the future.
5. Dare or not give a special holiday to his wife even though a day in a month. Then replace the role of cooking, taking care of the kids and clean the house so as not scattered. []