A question that is often asked before Eid al-Fitr is about reading the intention of zakat fitrah . The readings for the intention of zakat fitrah are divided into several, because there are readings for oneself, for the family, and for the person being represented.
The moments of the end of the fasting of Ramadan do not feel like they are already in front of your eyes. There is worship that is a sign in ending the holy month of Ramadhan which is full of blessings. The worship is called zakat fitrah.
Zakat al-Fitr can be paid from the beginning of Ramadan and at the latest before the implementation of the Eid al-Fitr prayer. Meanwhile, the distribution to mustahik (zakat recipients) is done no later than before the implementation of the Eid al-Fitr prayer.
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Quoting the Complete Guide to Muslim Worship from the Tribune , zakat fitrah is also called “sadaqatul fithr” or alms for breaking the fast or ending the fast.
Zakat fitrah has two purposes, namely as a purifier of fasting worship from all that damages it and as a provision of adequacy of life to the poor.
“The Messenger of God SAW mandated zakat fitrah as a cleansing for those who are fasting from the futility of deeds and from dirty words, as well as giving food to the poor.” (HR. Abu Daud and Ibnu Majah).
Reciting the Intention of Zakat Fitrah
1. Recitation of Zakat Fitrah Intention for Self and Family
I intended to pay zakat al-fitr on my own behalf and on all that I am required to spend on them, as an obligation to God Almighty.
It means: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for myself and all the people whose livelihood is my responsibility, it is obligatory because of Allah Taala.”

2. Reciting the Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Oneself
I intended to pay zakat al-fitr on behalf of God Almighty
Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for myself fardhu because of Allah Taala.”
3. Reading Zakat Fitrah for Wives
I intended to pay zakat al-fitr on behalf of my wife as an obligation to God Almighty
Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my wife fardhu because of Allah Taala.”
4. Reciting the Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Girls
I intended to pay zakat al-fitr on my daughter… as an obligation to God Almighty
Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my daughter… (name) fardhu because of Allah Taala.”
5. Reciting the Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Boys
I intended to pay zakat al-fitr on behalf of my son… as an obligation to God Almighty
Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my son… (name) fardhu because of Allah Taala.”
6. Reciting the Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Delegated Persons
I intended to pay zakat al-fitr on behalf of (…..) an obligation to God Almighty.
Meaning: “I intend to issue zakat fitrah for ……..(mention the specific name), fardhu because of Allah Taala.”
For those who receive zakat, it is also recommended to recite a prayer when zakat fitrah is received.
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The following prayer when receiving Zakat
After reading the intention and giving zakat, the person who receives it is sunnah to pray for the person giving zakat with good prayers.
Prayers like this can be said in any language.
Here is an example:
May Allah reward you for what you gave, and bless what you left, and made it pure for you.
Aajaraka Allahu is the name of the a’thayta, and the blessings are the names of the abqayta and ja’alahu laka thahuran
Meaning: “May God reward you for what you give, and may God bless the wealth you keep and make it a purifier for you.”
What is the law of zakat fitrah? The law of zakat fitrah is obligatory as explained in a hadith from Ibn Umar ra he said,
“Rasulullah ﷺ has made obligatory (compulsory) zakat fitrah one sha’ tamar or one sha’ wheat on slaves, free people, both male and female, both young and old from among the Muslims and he ordered that it be removed before the people go to Eid prayer place.” (Muttafaqun ‘alaih).
Then Who is Obliged to Pay Zakat Fitrah?
Muslims who are obliged to issue zakat fitrah are Muslims who are free and already have basic food beyond the needs of themselves and their families for a day and a night.
It is also obligatory to issue zakat fitrah for those who are dependent on him such as his wife, his children if they are Muslim.

The following are the conditions that make a person obligated to pay zakat:
1. Seseorang yang mempunyai kelebihan makanan atau harta dari keperluan tanggungannya pada malam dan pagi hari raya.
2. Anak yang lahir sebelum matahari jatuh pada akhir bulan Ramadhan dan hidup setelah terbenam matahari.
3. Orang yang memeluk agama Islam sebelum matahari terbenam pada akhir bulan Ramadhan dan tetap dalam Islamnya.
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4. Seseorang yang meninggal selepas terbenam matahari akhir Ramadhan.
Waktu Membayar Zakat Fitrah
1. Waktu jawaz (boleh), yakni waktu antara awal Ramadhan hingga awal Syawal;
2. Waktu wajib, yakni sejak akhir Ramadhan hingga awal Syawal;
3. Waktu sunah, yakni setelah fajar hingga sebelum shalat Idul Fitri;
4. Waktu makruh, yakni setelah shalat Idul Fitri sampai tenggelamnya matahari tanggal 1 Syawal;
5. The forbidden time is after the sun sets on the 1st of Shawwal. []