MAYBE this time we just eat dates directly only. But apparently the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam eating dates with a variety of ways:
1) Mixing dates with cheese, in HR. Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah no.3837 no.3343
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah explained that zubdah (cheese) can serve to soften the stool, relaxes the nerves and swelling bladder and esophagus. If your baby’s gums applied, will accelerate the growth of teeth.
2) Mixing dates with cucumber, HR. Muslim no.2043, HR. Bukhari no.5440.
Burning sensation that exist on dates can balance the coldness of cucumbers, because the cucumber is rather difficult to digest in the stomach, cold and sometimes dangerous. It was the great lesson from our Messenger.
3) Eating dates with watermelon, HR. Abu Dawud no. 3836.
4) Encouraging breaking the fast with wet dates (Ruthab), otherwise there with dried dates, if there is no water to drink it mouthful by mouthful. Abu Dawud no.2356.
This hadith contains the great wisdom in health, which is required by a person who is fasting sugars is easily absorbed by the blood, stomach and intestines. Sugars (glucose and fructose) take 5-10 minutes to be absorbed in the human gut when empty. So that time can be used temporarily to perform maghrib prayer.
5) Prohibit eating dates for people who are recovering from illness, HR. Abu Dawud no.3856.
6) It may take some dates despite eye pain, HR. Ibn Majah no.3343.
7) Ordered do not dispose dates in which there are caterpillars, but clean, HR. Abu Dawud no.3832.
6). Dates are very good for a provision, even in time of war. HR. Muslim no.1910.
7). Dates for tahnik baby, HR. Al-Bukhari no. 5467,3909,5469,5470 and Muslim no. 2145.2146
Tahnik is chewing something and then put it on the ceiling of the baby’s mouth. Imam Nawawy rahimahullah in the book of syarah Muslim commentary explains that: Prompts tahnik newborns is sunnah, based ijama ‘; Should be doing tahnik is a righteous person, whether male or female; More mainstream do tahnik with dates; Provides the opportunity for a righteous person to name them.
8). Sunnah eat dates before leaving for the Eid in an odd number, 953 Bukhari and Ibn Majah no. 1354.
9). Some from Dates can be wine, which he had been forbidden in Islam, Bukhari no.2431 and HR. no. 1071.